Our coven is organized in the customary Gardnerian/Alerxandrian way (...),
it is based on the polarity of psychich femaleness and maleness. It consists, as faras possible, of 'working partnerships', each one of one female and one male witch. (...) What matters is their psychic gender, so that in magical working they are two poles of a bettery.
(Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Witches Bible)
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes).
Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
This post tries to contradict the commonly held view in modern
witchcraft according to which magic is most effectively performed by a working
couple of a male and a female practicioners. On the contrary, I want to suggest
that the way sexual polarity is structured by modern witchcraft, and in
particularly Wicca, is a reproduction of a misconception of human sexuality
posing great limitations on the practice of witchcraft and on the
Before I try to explain what I mean by the above, I would like to make
clear that I do not think that witchcraft practices based on the upon
conception of polarity do not work. Witchcraft is a strange think, and much of
its workings seem to be rooted in the persception that the practitioner has of
what she is doing, rather than on what she is actually doing. Because of
this there are few things which will not work, if there right intention
is there, therefore there is no thruth. However, what I contest here is
the idea that a male-female polarity is the most powerful form of gender or sex
magic and the only one that finally works great wonders.
The idea that male-female polarities work best when embodied by two
single practitioners (or by an ensemble of couples)is rooted in a perception of
male and female archetypal relationships. In particular, it is argued in Wiccan
books (J. and S. Farrar's, but also in Ganerdner's own High Aid Magick
and in all the works derived from that system) that divinity is symbolised by
the Goddess of Fertility, the Moon, and the God of Death and Resurrection, the
Sun. The dance of the God and the Goddess represent the intrinsic, natural
working of life through cycle of birth, reproduction, and death for which
male-female couples are necessary. From the idea of monogamic parenthood
derives an understanding of ancient mysteries and fertility cults. Neo-litthic
society, for exemple in A Witches Bible but also in more progressive and
'deconstructivist' works as in the classic The Spiral Dance by witch and
activist Starhawwks, is presented as made up of couples of men-hunters and
women-mothers/nurturers/priestesses. The fertility rituals of such societies,
would naturally reproduce this pattern of male-female monogamous couples
as made up described by Margaret Murray's God of the Witches.
The ritual mating of the Horned God and the Goddess becomes therefore the
magical theology which permeates the basis of Wicca, and of much of modern
witchcraft. Although Wicca tends to be structured around female leadership, and
highlights the role that the High Priestess in religion as prima inter pares,
the Highe Priestess should have an High Priest without whom she might be
The need for the recreation of single, monogamous opposed-sex and
gender couples pushed the Farrar to write a Drawing down the Sun ritual, to
complement the classic Drawing Down the Moon from Garnder's Book of Shadows.
Although valuing matriarchy, Wicca tends to reproduce the monogamous, opposed-sex
idea of sexual relations that patrarichy insists on. This is nothing more than
a form of wishful thinking, translating contemporary social practices into the
neo-lithic. In their book Sex at Dawn[1]
authors Cristopher Ryan and cacilda Jethà call this the Flinstonization
of pre-agricultural societies. In short, it is true that female and male sex
exist, but the way genders are assigned and sexes interact with each other
has never been the opposed-sex couples, the 'workig couples' wicca relies on[2].
Bullshit! You may think. Sew is aimed at reproduction, and you can do that in different ways but it is always
the little sperm that goes up that way until it finds the egg. Well, it turns
out it is not that true after all. Especially in neo-lithic societies, where
fertility cults were at their strongest, life may not have gone that way.
Evidence from archaeology and human physiology shows that it seems we evolved
to be able to engage in multiple relationships, possibly with different genders
and sexes, and to use sex for a wider set of reasons that mere pro-creation. In
particular, the way human reproductive organs evolved show an ability to engage
in a multitude of sexual intercourses, without the aim of pro-creation. In
fact, the very fact that human males
and females can engage in intercourse at any given time sets them apart from
the rest of the mammals that engage in intercourse only during ovulation, which
sometimes may be five or six times a year [3].
The only mammal which shares constant sexual activity is the bonobo.
Bonobo apes live in matriarchal societies, and use sex for a variety of
reason. For greeting, for conflict resolution, to show love, affection and
respect, as a mother-child bonding act, or simply for the pleasure of it. Each bonobo
female has multiple male and female partners during her life, and each male has
multiple female and male partners. Scientific evidence shows that reproduction
in bonobo and humans is set to happen
through sperm competition rather than
male competition. This means that
bonobo and humans the female
reproductive organs seem designed to receive, and select, sperm from a variety
of males and not only during ovulation. The sexual act itself, unlike in almost any other animal species besides the
human, is a moment of pleasure and enjoyment for bonobos. The multiple-partnership
ensures that fatherhood is shared among all members of the group, as all adult
male bonobos see the youth as their child. Motherhood is the only certainty,
and the fact the fatherhood is shared highly decreases conflict among males.
War is unlikely among the bonobos.
The interesting fact is that in Sex
at Dawn the authors present plenty of anthropological, physiological and
psychological evidence to support the claim that in ancient societies of hunter-gatherers
and early agricultural times, human
society may have been organised much like the one of the bonobos. Why would
otherwise share such a distinct and active sexuality? Monogamous and polygamous
primates copulate few times a year, their sexual intercourse is short and
brutal. Human, like bonobos, can always copulate.
Human sexual intercourse, in particular, is way
longer than that of other primates, including bonobos, showing that we are
the animals that spend the longest time in their life having sex. How awesome!
Moreover bonobo and human females are, in a way, always up for it, requiring
lot of work from the partner to reach orgasm, and being able to have multiple
orgasms one after another. Bonobo and human males are exhausted after
intercourse, but they too are able to get ready in matter of hours. Human males
produce the most sperm of all primates, reinforcing the idea of sperm rather than male competition. Forget the strong hunter who gets back from the
hunt and finds her herb-gathering female waiting for him, everyone gets a bit
of the cake!
The interesting point for witches here is the unique nature of human
intercourse, which is not structured
around ovulation and moon cycles, or the ability to create fertilise, but the
pleasure that it can generate and the forces it conveys . Because of the many
roles that sexuality plays in bonobo lives, violent conflicts are very rare. If
it is true that ancient human societies were structured much like the bonobo’s,
then the whole idea of tribes at war that populate our Neolithic thoughts
should be replaced by happy communities of ruling females who copulate with
everyone, and males who copulate with everyone as well. In fact, existing matriarchal
societies like the Mosuo of China, have no concept of monogamous relationships.
They practice what have been called ‘walking marriages’ in which women have
multiple partners, as men do. Motherhood is certain, but fatherhood is shared.
Sex is seen as a moment of pleasure, intimacy and communion but it is not exclusive to a parental couple nor oriented to procreation neither. It’s
just sex.
It was interesting that when British witches came out and disclosed the
sexual nature of many of their rituals, they insisted that ritual mating should
be practiced by actual couples, man and wife, boyfriend girlfriend, people who
do have sex outside the circle. The Farrars go as far as to say that ‘sex magic
without love is black magic’. Wait a moment. This is a very narrow
understanding of the human capacity to love and of sexuality. The unspoken tenant
of such conception is that sex without procreation has no magic in it, or can
produce no good. This is a blunt lie, as not all ritual mating end up babies
being born. This is evidence enough that what does the magic in sex magic is not procreation not the intent of it, but the ability of people to
engage in sex which is not ‘mating’.
Mating is quick, rare and aimed at procreation. Humans and bonobos are the only
primates who have sex, which in human also happens to be long, frequent and to
happen because it gets us high. It is important to understand this, as it is
something which has to do with our nature
not with our culture. Female physiology works in a way that a woman requires to
be brought to orgasm, so that they do
not reach orgasm every and each time they conceive a baby. When they do reach orgasm, they can reach it
several times, regardless of ovulae being fertilised! Think about it! If sex
magic works, and it does not produce babies every time, what is it that is
doing the magic the procreation or the orgasm? And once we understand that
bonobos and humans can have orgasms with opposed-sex people, same-sex people,
alone and in any other possible ways, what do we make of the opposite-pole
Yes, it is indeed true that it takes a man and a woman to make a baby,
but that does not mean that our natural energies, our magical energies, work
best when we are in heterosexual, monogamous couples. This is a totally
cultural and arbitrary arrangement, and there is no reason to think that a
man-woman couple is energetically better off than a couple of women or a lone
man. Sex is not a penis into a vagina, and witchcraft is not a knife into a
cup. If the Great Rite is a form of sex magic, then it is wrong to think of it
in terms of ‘fertility’, as fertilisation rarely happens during intercourse. In
fact, contrary to common thinking, women’s vaginas are filled with spermicides
of every sort, and the latest evidence from human physiology shows that when
fertilisation does happen, it is
actually the ovula that inglobates
the reticent sperm and not the contrary. Where is the active energy to be found
here? When talking of sex magic, and of magic in general, female and male
energy are often associated with receptive and active energy. Of course, most
authors agree that active sides are be found in females and passive in males,
but at the end of the day it is the female who receives and male who gives. However,
one should notice that ‘active’ and ‘passive’ tell us what the energies do, not
what they are. In fact, there may be no difference at all but it may well be
that is the same natural energy performing two complementary positions. The attribution
passive-female and active-male is totally arbitrary and intrinsically
patriarchal: in matriarchal society, there seems to be no fixed male-female
partnerships. There seems to be no polarised arrangements at all, but a fluid
sexual energy which is shared with other willing members of the group. The very
fabric of our nature and evolution seems to disproof the theory of the ‘working
This is no news. Ceremonial magician make use of all forms of sex magic,
and I do not see why witches should confine themselves to such a narrow and
conservative view on sexuality and sex magic. The idea of ‘working partnerships’
tells more about the conservative milieu
of post-war Britain and of the desire of British witches to integrate into
society than about human nature. All solitary practitioner know that sexual
energies can be raised in many ways, and that this is sometimes as effective as
sex magic which involves more than one person. But I see no reason why two men
may not perform a form of Great Rite. Of course this entails a bit of ritual
fantasy, but I am sure that is not short among nowadays witches.
Gender roles and sexuality are fluid and should not define magical
boundaries which are, eventually, always arbitrary. Of course, ‘energy’ has a
variety of meanings and it is always rooted into cultural representation. It is
easier to call a Goddess into a female body, because a Goddess is a cultural representation, both for
the vessel and for the person who performs the invocation. However, it is an
idea unrooted in practice that male-male partnership, male-female-male,
female-male-male, female-female, female-female-female, male-male-male,
intersexual-female, intersexual-intersexual, intersexual man…[4]
and whatever combination you can think of and is satisfying to the participants
is not workable or is ‘dark magic’. No skilful witch can deny the power
emanating from three horny, happy men giving pleasure and orgasm to one
another. Saying that this kind of magic can do no good is a lie. It is a
healthy, peaceful and totally natural human activity and should be enjoyed as
This of course is in sharp contrast with all Wiccan theology, and the
reality is that Wicca sexualises witchcraft and religion a lot. But if one
looks at folk magic, witchcraft seems more in tune with a narrative of changes
and cycles, going way beyond the opposing narratives of the knife and the cup. The
deification of the contemporary-monogamous couple has nothing to do with how
nature works, as it is in the animal
world an exception[5]
and in the human world a recent, and very regionalised thing. Not even that, if
you take into account the rate of divorce and cheating in the West. The stigma on homosexual in traditional
Wicca, which seems less prominent in American Wicca, is the side effect of
British conservatism rather than a working law of nature or magic. We can all
be relieved.
[1] From which the opening Walt Whitman
quote was taken.
[2] I am deliberately ignoring
gay traditions here (especially the Minoic Brotherood and Sisterhood) because
of two reasons. First, they tend to
validate opposed-sex traditions insofar as they see themselves as an exception
to the rule. This is also shown by the fact that they do not mingle with opposed-sex
covens. Second, they are still quite closed and secretive, so the way their
theology and sexual magic works is unclear to me. The Reclaiming tradition,
started in the San Francisco Bay area by wiccan witch Starhawk, seems to offer
a broader understanding of the working of polarities. However, their radical de-structuring
of much of wiccan rituality, and their radical eclectic approach, setsthem far
away from the traditions I am talking about in this article. More info here http://www.reclaiming.org/about/directions/unity.html
[3] As what was thought to be our closest
primate cousin, the chimpanzee
[4] I am skipping all the transexual
details in this, if you are a transsexual you may identify with either male and
female and I am happy to include them into the above.
[5] Even among penguins, the
totem animal of monogamy enthusiasts, the penguin change partners at every ‘march’
and may actually share a spare egg among loving homosexual couples.
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